Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Who knew

Who knows when you will meet someone!? One day you can be in a dark spot and the next you can have this incredibly heart felt conversation with an incredibly sweet, genuine, sophisticated, and smart woman that may have changed your life. Wow.... Just.. Wow.

You never know where or when you will meet someone. I just basically spent 3 days with the most incredible woman who started off a stranger and now I feel like I have known for years and years. After a very dark time and a future that looked bleak, I am so extremely optimistic for the path my life is on. I have so much confidence that I will be happier than I ever realized. This was the most amazing meeting of all time. Wow.

right now it is out of my hands, and out of my control. She is so far away and until she decides on her jobs, there is only time to heal and hope. I am hopeful. I will try for her. :)

I have a new lease on life thanks to someone who could be a huge part of my life.

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